Re: Tyam m-board/ram/bios/amd64
On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 01:16:25AM -0700, Francesco Pietra wrote:
> ---1st question: is any comparison for amd64 between
> Kingston KVR400D4R3A/2GB
> and
> Corsair CM75SDS2048RPL-3200/2GB ?
> For the latter, easily available here and said by
> Corsair compatible with the above mainboard, I was
> unable to find volatage and W, which are 2.6V/11W for
> the Kingston modules.
I have a close approximation of the above in 1 machine (I think the
above Kingston and the 1Gb 2700 version from Corsair), 4 corsair on 1
node and 2 kingston on the other. The kernel doesn't really care, the
only difference I can see is that according to numastat the
interleave_hit on the 2nd node is a little lower (3647 vs 3624).
> ---2nd question: I had no troubles with the above
> system and therefore never upgraded the bios. Should I
> do that, where to get the appropriate bios upgrade,
> from Phoenix or Tyan?
Tyan, the only problem I had with the last update for my board was that
it didn't fit on my usb thumbdrive in floppy emulation mode. But if it
ain't broke, dont' fix it (IMHO).
When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
Daniel Tryba
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