Fresh Install Problems
I'm trying a fresh install of debian on my old Athlon 64 3200 box and
this one is not proceeding as smoothly as the previous one. The initial
install is smooth enough (I'm not even trying to install gnome yet) but
I'm having problems as soon as I try to upgrade to sid. Basically the
chain of events looks like this:
1. After the initial install I'm running kernel 2.6.8-12-em64t-p4-smp. I
have no idea why I appear to have an smp-enabled kernel, but this is
what I get when doing a basic install without tweaking the default settings.
2. I change my repositories to point to sid at Arizona.
3. apt-get update runs fine...
4. But when I run apt-get dist-upgrade I get a prompt with a warning
that essentially says "You are running a kernel and attempting to remove
the same version." I choose "No" when asked if I really want to remove
the running kernel, then get two more error messages:
"dpkg: error procecssing kernel-image-"
"dpkg: initrd-tools: dependency problems, but removing anyway"
After this my system seems pretty hosed: initrd-tools is gone and so I
can't install any non-trivial packages and base-config is gone. Where
did I screw up, and how do I fix this? Doing a fresh install and
starting again from scratch is definitely an option here.
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