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Installer error: Failure trying to run: chroot /target mount -t proc proc /proc

Could someone please please please help me? :-) I posted this to
debian-user but I get the feeling it's actually an amd64 problem.

I've spent about 8 hours on this now and it's causing me to pull my
hair out. Googling seems to largely reveal a few people in the past
who have had the same problem but no one has suggested the cause or a
resolution :-(

I'm trying to install Etch on a Dual Opteron 265 using the Tyan K8SRE

When I get to the stage of installing the base system it downloads all
the packages then comes up with the error "Debootstrap warning -
Installer error: Failure trying to run: chroot /target mount -t proc
proc /proc" and won't proceed any further.

If I Alt-F4 it says:
debootstrap: chroot:
debootstrap: cannot execute mount
debootstrap: : No such file or directory

If I do 'chroot /target mount -t proc proc /proc' I get: chroot:
cannot execute mount: No such file or directory

If I just 'mount' it lists the mounts ok. If I /target/mount it also
lists the mounts ok.

'chroot /target' results in:
chroot: cannot execute /bin/sh: No such file or directory

Yet /bin/sh works as does /target/bin/sh !

This is on a RAID1 (md0) between 2 disks with an ext3 mount of / on
the md0. Although it does the same thing if I just create a plain ext3
/ on one disk.

mount outputs this:
tmpfs on / type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw, nodiratime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
tmpfs on /.dev type tmpfs (rw)
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0 on /cdrom type iso9660 (ro)
/dev/md/0 on /target type ext3 (rw,data=ordered)

cat /target/fstab results in:
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc  /proc  proc defaults 0  0
/dev/md0  /  ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro  0  1
/dev/sda2  none  swap  sw  0  0
/dev/sdb2  none  swap  sw  0  0
/dev/hda  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  user, noauto  0  0
/dev/fd0  /media/floppy0  auto  rw,user,noauto  0  0

I've tried the daily, weekly, and r2 etch installer :-(

I really need to install the AMD64 port of Debian so using a i386
installer isn't an option (even if that would help).

Immense gratitude to any kindly soul who saves me from my torment!

"Women are always right when they're /naked/" - Andrew Neil
"That's the only reason I am certain there is a God - because there
are large breasted women" - Warren Harper, Christian


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