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keep specific versions of packages

I want to avoid any modification from apt-get commands

mpqc 2.3.1-0.2

specially compiled for amd64 with libint (which is not
included in the package of same version on debian
repositories) and installed with dpkg. I.e., I want to
avoid "downgrading" to a version without libint.

>From "apt-cache show mpqc" version installed
2.3..1-0.2, though the list of dependencies does not
show libint (which is in, because the software deals
correctly with integrals that only libint allows to

According to Silva's APT HOWTO I should manage with
/etc/apt/preferences, though there is no such file or
directory on my debiam amd64 etch,
linux-image-2.6.18-3-amd64. Should I build a file
"preferences" from scratch?

I must say that I am not familiar with this aspect of

Thanks for advice
francesco pietra

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