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Re: Sarge AMD64 installation won't boot

On 1/22/06, hendrik@topoi.pooq.com <hendrik@topoi.pooq.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 09:49:41PM -0500, hendrik@topoi.pooq.com wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 10:50:22PM +0000, Jo Shields wrote:
> > hendrik@topoi.pooq.com wrote:
> >
> > >I haven't accepted the new AMD-64 box the computer store has
> > >built for me, because I can't get it to run in 64-bit mode.
> > >
> > >I provided the sarge net-install CD's for both AMD-64 and the older
> > >386 architectures.
> > >
> > >The netinstall for AMD64 went fine up to a point (except it was 30 times
> > >as slow
> > >as the i386 install which he performed later), but when it came time
> > >to boot into the installed system, the boot stopped after it had
> > >identified the USB ports.
> > >
> > >Repeating entire process with the i386 netinstall, it installed nicely
> > >(30 time faster), and booted up properly.  But he never got it to use
> > >the two hard disks in DMA mode.
> > >
> > >(Oh yes -- he installed a cheap Realtek ethernet card because netinstall
> > >would not recognise the Ethernet on the motherboard.  But that's not a
> > >big problem for me.)
> > >
> > >He did all this this at the shop, and then called me to tell me the
> > >problems.
> > >
> > >I went there on the weekend, and managed to install the sarge AMD-64
> > >kernel on the i386-based system, and it had the same problem as the
> > >original AND-64 install -- crash during boot.
> > >
> > >Using aptitude, I tried to fetch a more recent kernel, but so far
> > >have not succeeded.  Just sticking in "etch" into my apt-sources file
> > >does not seem to be enough.  What do I need to do to get aptitude
> > >to see a more recent kernel?
> > >
> > >Or maybe it has moved, and I should ask -- what deb line should
> > >I use to find the current amd64 repository?
> > >
> > >Sorry not the have the details about motherboard identity and the like
> > >-- the machine is currently at the shop and I'm not.  I'm not accepting
> > >it by taking it home before it works.  The tech is planning to try
> > >out Ubuntu or Knoppix next in order to show me the machine really does
> > >work in Linux in 64-bit mode, but I'd prefer Debian.  He uses Ubuntu on
> > >his AMD-64 at home.
> > >
> > >-- hendrik
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > If in doubt (or it's nforce4), try Len's 2.6.12 installer, at
> > http://tinyplanet.ca:81/~lsorense/amd64/
> Thanks.  Now downloading.  Will try it tomorrow.

It worked beautifully.

A day or two ago, the URL seems to have changed.
works now.

I now have an AMD64 running the 2.6.12 kernel.

(1)  unless I am mistaken, the 2.6.12 kernel isn't there as an installed
package recognised bu aptitude.
(2) I don't have the 2.6.12 headers I'm going to need to compile nvidia
drivers.  Where can I find them?
(3) Or should I upgrade to 2.6.13? Looking around on the net, there
seem to be 2.6.11 and 2.6.13 kernels, but I haven't yet found
a 2.6.12 kernel with headers.  The 2.6.13 kernel I found seems to
have enough modifiers in its name that I'm hesitant about using it.
Will I have to declare my system to be etch or unstable to get
aptitude to recognise them?

-- hendrik

If you want to use the 2.6.12 kernel you'll want to make sure your using the testing distro of debian. That's where kernel 2.6.12 currently is. it also makes it alot easier to install the kernel packages, beings you can just install them with aptitude or apt-get.

update your sources list accordingly, it should read something like this

deb ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/ testing main non-free contrib
deb http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main non-free contrib

once your using "testing" just run apt-cache search linux-headers-2.6.12 and then apt-get install the package you want to install.

Or you can use aptitude as well.


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