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Re: Java plug-in

* Massimo Perga <massimo.perga@gmail.com> [2005-12-29 00:32]:
> in which way are you running java plug-in in your browser ? I'm
> currently using Firefox web browser.

Do you mean, "How did you install it"?  I'm using Blackdown java
1.4.2 on Debian unstable, which includes a Mozilla / Nutscrape /
Firefox plugin.

The usual way to install Java is using 'java-package' to build a
deb from a Java distribution (e.g. Sun java).  Here is a guide,
if you'd like one:

I'm using Blackdown Java because the amd64 version of Sun's Java
1.5 is _very_ unstable.  Installing is fine, but good luck
running programs using it.  1.4.2 is not ideal, but at least I
can get Azureus running.

Andrew Preater

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