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Re: Open office

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Adam Stiles wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 November 2005 08:09, Rob van Kraanen wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I'm quite new with Debian 64-bits.
>>I just installed it on my laptop and it's great :)
>>I just had one question, openoffice is currently not available as a
>>debian-package, does anyone know when it will be available?
>>Also is openoffice 2 available on AMD 64?
> OpenOffice is a horribly-bloated piece of software which, thanks to various 
> assumptions and other "dirty tricks" used by programmers who never imagined 
> that their work would see the light of day  {it used to be a closed-source 
> project},  will not compile and run properly on anything other than a 32-bit 
> processor.  OpenOffice2 does not fix all the problems
> A lot of people think they need OOo for the same reason that a lot of people 
> think they need MS Office, or Windows.

Because it IS used.
We are all NOT private persons and if you are at office, you NEED some
software which IS stable for some years and which works nicely with MS
Office docs and produces some nice files.
And you need something which works on nearly all platforms, Apple OS X,
Windows XP AND Linux.

> If you're running KDE, I recommend KOffice.  Not only is it 64-bit clean, it's 
> faster, it handles .doc files better than OOo, and now it can even write OOo 
> files.  If you remember it being crash-prone and awkward, you obviously 
> haven't used it recently  {the KDE in Woody was horribly out-of-date}.  If 
> you install all the necessary libraries  {apt is great, isn't it},  you can 
> run KOffice anyway.  It looks good in WindowMaker.

Ok, KOffice on mac? KOffice on Windows?
And: Koffice on lars/ice wm WILL bloat your system. Hell a lot of people
WON'T use ANY KDE app, because they are bloated and need a lot of libs.

> You could use a 32-bit OpenOffice.org in a 32-bit chroot, but that would be 
> rather like buying a cat and teaching it to bark.  Isn't the point of having 
> a 64-bit processor, to run 64-bit applications on it?

That is why I want a OO2 64bit and no chroot.
And that is why we use 32bit in our department on dualcore 64bit CPUs.

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