Re: amd-64 vs Pure-64
Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote:
> Hi!
> The OpenOffice sources are avaible from the OpenOffice project. He
> just built them for Debian AMD64.
> What you should ask is: Marc, how did you done that? Which is what I
> think you wanna know.
> I don't know why you have to start bothering this way. Not all the
> people have enough room to hold the complete sources, and the project
> isn't *his* project (I don't even think he has modified the source, at
> least not that much), it is OpenOffice, and you can download it
> elsewhere. He just wanted to explain that he was able to build it for
> AMD64, and probe it.
> I think that he is pretending to help the community, or else: why
> would he post it to the mail list?
> I believe that he'll post the instructions on how he did so, and we
> will be able to use OpenOffice2 native 64bits soon. But all you can
> do is start with technisims. There are people out there that really
> violates the GPL, and at a commercial level, why don't you go, look
> for them, and start to sue them! (I would help).
> c-ya!
> Ildefonso Camargo
If I recall correctly from my own ooo2 build, the only modifications
needed were editing some incorrectly autogenerated files (chaning int to
long IIRC, can't remember the exact details) and restarting the build
process with dpkg-buildpackage -uc -nc. Thus there isn't really any
"machine-readable source" for him to distribute, and the best he can do
is provide instructions on the changes necessary. Wouldn't this be
sufficient for GPL compliance? Also note that OOo is LGPL, not GPL,
though I don't think that matters here.
-- Alexander Rapp
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