Re: Kernel Headers for 2.6.11
On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 12:15:17PM -0700, Zachary Rizer wrote:
> I've created an i386 .deb of nvidia-glx and
> nvidia-kernel-source, and, you're right, the -glx
> package requires an i386 nvidia-kernel-7676.deb ...
> No idea how to make this work ... is it as difficult
> as it seems? Plus, doesn't the
> nvidia-glx-ia32_1.0.7676-1_amd64.deb package provide
> the necessary libs to satisfy OpenGL-wanting
> applications within the sid-ia32 chroot to operate?
> They're placed in /emul ... can I copy them to the
> chroot's /usr/lib directory?
Requirements for libs yes, but won't make the package system happy.
Using the equivs package means you can install the proper i386
nvidia-glx package in the chroot, without having to build an i386 kernel
package as well, since the equivs package will provide the dependancy it
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.5.10
Package: nvidia-kernel-equivs
Version: 1.0.7174
Maintainer: Len Sorensen <>
Provides: nvidia-kernel-1.0.7174
Architecture: all
Description: Fake package for nvidia-kernel-modules
Fake package to satisfy nvidia-glx dependancies for chroot use.
debdev1:~# equivs-build /tmp/nvidia-kernel-equivs.controlA
<stuff happens>
Out comes: nvidia-kernel-equivs_1.0.7174_all.deb
Install with dpkg -i and you satisfy the requirements of the chroot to
then install nvidia-glx.
Change names and version numbers to match your needs.
Len Sorensen
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