To be honest I'm not completely sure what you are doing. I just
followed the directions from going "the Debian way"
using module-assistant. I used the stock 2.6.12 debian kernel and
it all worked without a hitch. Then I updated the X server
configurations "The Debian way" (with dpkg-reconfigure) except I'm
running xorg instead of xfree86. Parts 3b,3c I didn't even have to do
since I already had a GUI going it was just using VGA @ 640x480 so 3b
was done and I tried 3c by rebooting instead (the lazy way out, but it
The one thing to keep in mind, which you can probably skip with some
appropriate command line flags that I don't know, is that when doing
the module-assistant thing you need to be running the kernel that you
are trying to build the module for.