Re: How to get my printer (hplip driver) works with openoffice (chroot) ? [tips inside to print in a file with oo.o and real print with .ps viewer]
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 07:31:49PM +0200, Yannick - Debian/Linux wrote:
> I know... i have no luck ! did you remember when i had this problem with
> sound and the kernel provided by debian ? Then i feel something...
> I've tried several combinaisons of command for oo.o ; no one worked (but
> i found one wich works with gimp : i can now print image with gimp ! i'm
> happy !)
> Well, using the ppd file for the hp deskjet 3740 (wich is almost the
> same as 3745) i can now print in a file and get a .ps file , and i can
> print this file ! is now usable for me even if i need a third
> part program to print (the ps viewer...).
> Did i mention i have cups installed and working fine with the hplip
> driver on the pure64 part ? I guess not... sorry for that lack of
> informations.
> I'll look forward to put oo.o and cups works together, but for now let's
> back to production world !
Do you have cupsys-client/cupsys-bsd installed in the chroot? If not
that might explain why a program in the chroot can't find the printers
(since the client programs just access it through the port 631 interface
to the printer server running in 64bit mode and pass it data.)
Len Sorensen
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