Re: How to get my printer (hplip driver) works with openoffice (chroot) ?
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 07:18:48AM +0200, Yannick - Debian/Linux wrote:
> I would like my printer to work with
> This printer (hp deskjet 3745) use the driver hplip wich is intalled
> succesfully on my sarge distro. I can have the program spadmin in the
> chroot (to add new printer in openoffice) but the printer isn't listed
> in. I can't print in a file (like a PDF): file isn't created. I don't
> know how to do, exept by changing the format of document and save the
> file (this works), and then read it by another program (like abiword) to
> print it. This isn't convenient.
I just setup cupsys and then everything (including openoffice) prints
just fine through that.
There is nothing special about openoffice and printing in my experience.
Len Sorensen
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