Re: Problem creating filesystem
Bill Brown <> writes:
> The kicker is that I have to identical systems. I ordered hardware X2
> many months ago when I originally set these up. I have one set up and
> working. And on that one, I installed a drive on the secondary IDE,
> (60 GB WD) and it partitioned and created a file system just fine.
Bill Brown <> writes:
> In case anyone is interested, I have narrowed the problem down to 1 of
> two possibilities:
> 1. I coincidently had 2 bad disks at the same time(different brands);
> one of them brand new.
> 2. My configuration (below) with SID and kernel 2.6.10 (install
> straight from net install disk of Spring 2005) had/has an issue with
> not being able to properly deal with disks, and destroys them in the
> process.
Hi Bill,
I'm interested - as I had a similar experience yesterday. I used the
SID netinst dated 6 Sept iirc. My experience was:
250 GB drive - bios occasionally didn't spot it, the netinst SID
couldn't detect the correct IDE kernel modules to load for the disk.
I gave up on this disk and moved to:
20 GB drive - mkfs ok (but it took ages - maybe I was having dma
timeout during this, and ide reset messages - I didn't look).
Later on when installing packages onto the drive I had many ide
timeouts, dma problems (just like the ones you reported).
However I also tried installing an older Suse 9.1 (64 bit)
and it also took ages to mkfs and died during installing packages.
Eventually I gave up and used another disk:
10 GB drive - which worked fine.. mkfs, install, later I compiled gcc
etc etc
My next test will be to replace the IDE cables with brand new ones
(the cables came from an older machine which also had the 20 and 10 GB
The motherboard is the MSI-9131 SSI Mainboard (K8D Master -F)
using the AMD 8131 chipset.
My drives were also jumpered as master on IDE primary and the CDROM
drive was master on IDE secondary. I only ever had one disk and one
CDROM drive attached to the motherboard at a time. The CDROM checked
its image correctly.
So my suspicions on my setup are:
(i) possible problem with IDE cable
(ii) bad luck with 2 disks
however it was interesting to see that SuSE 9.1 also had problems with
the 20 GB disk and that SID correctly performed a mkfs on the 10 GB
drive which appears to work fine..
hope this helps a little,
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