Re: dependecy problems with evince
Am Donnerstag, den 08.09.2005, 00:20 +1000 schrieb Hamish Moffatt:
> Are you mixing unstable and testing?
> Yes, testing should be consistent. Unstable is not guaranteed to be,
> and mixing them certainly isn't.
> Hamish
Yes I do. The default tree is the testing one. I only uses from
the unstable tree and some small application.
I think it should work, if I want to install evince from the testing
tree. And there is no dependence problem, that a packet with two version
are in an conflict. For me the problem seems to be, that libcairo1,
libpoppler0 and libpoppler0-glib are replaced by newer packages and the
old one were removed. For example libpoppler0 => libpoppler02c
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