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Re: Can't copy DVD

2005/9/4, studio-64 <fsmith@walescomputers.co.uk>:
> Hi All
> Seems we still can't copy DVD's.

We do. In fact I've been able to copy and burn DVD's for a long
time... Maybe it's a bit more troublesome than doing the same with an
ix86 but we still can do it.

> Just been asked by a client to copy his DVD and it seems
> I can't copy DVD's (its our own DVD so no copyright hassles)
> Do we on Linux have to suffer this each time we update our systems?
> I'm on a 64 bit studio, and now I have to use windows to copy a DVD.

A few days ago i made a copy of the GPS DVD that came with the car. As
i have an external DVD writer, i had a few problems in the begining:
k3b didn't recognisce my DVD-writer. So I made an iso image of the
dvd. Then I played with k3b till i configured my writer and then i
burn the image. And the dvd works perfectly with the gps.

> I realise this isn't important to some developers as we move the systems on.
> It's just embarrassing for us users that we have to use windows to do
> such a standard thing as copy a DVD.
> I use K3B on Linux 64bit and didn't realise I couldn't copy my own DVD
> till now.

Maybe if you write to debian-user explaining your problem they may
help you. Make shure you have a recent kernel (2.6.12 here) since old
ones had a few problems.

> We have a long, long, way to go.

Shure! ;)
Aritz Beraza Garayalde [Rei]
[ WWW ]  http://evangelion.homelinux.net 
[jabber]  rei[en]bulmalug.net

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