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Re: Installing amd64 on Adaptec 2015S (SmartRAID V) with dpt_i2o

Lennart Sorensen wrote:
I use the kernel from linux-image-2.6.12-1-amd64-generic.  That one has
initrd and cramfs and such support and all the other options debian
expects a kernel to have, and also what the debian installer expects.  I
suspect you don't have initrd or at least not cramfs initrd support and

I do build in initrd and cramfs, I have been through menuconfig a few times now and selected everything that looked remotely relevant.

that makes the installer fail to load the initrd containing the
installer.  The initrd also has to be rebuilt for the kernel from the
debian-installer package, and the udeb's rebuilt using another debian

Sorry, but I don't really understand that last sentence, could you expand some more please?

"The initrd has to be rebuilt for the kernel from the debian-installer package". Surely if I built the kernel and did the mkinitrd using the modules from that then we should be ok?

"... and the udeb's rebuilt using another Debian package" - I don't understand this

Well if you say the driver appears to work, I would be willing to try
building an image with a _debian_ 2.6.12 kernel with that driver in it.
Starting from kernel.org sources is way to much work.

Ok, that would be nice! Although, I would like to be able to do this myself, so perhaps I will try to get the actual Debian kernel source and see if that has better luck. Let me know if you get a working iso...



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