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force i386 deb in amd64 sarge?

Hi -

I'm trying to install the opera web browser to give it a try (since they were
giving away free registrations today). I downloaded a deb from them, but when I
try to install it, dpkg complains:

dpkg: error processing opera_8.02-20050727.5-shared-qt_en_sarge_i386.deb
 package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)

they don't have an amd64 version of the deb.

Is there any way that I can still use this deb? I tried looking at the dpkg help
and found the -force-architecture option.

I tried searching this list for something about that option but didn't find
anything helpful.

Is this a bad idea? I suppose it depends on the dependencies...;)

Please cc me in replies I'm not on this list.

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