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Re: nforce4 hardware: disappeared rtc device (solved)

Frederik Schueler wrote:

On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 03:50:54PM +0200, Håkan Stefansson wrote:

The problem is that the system time was not correctly set up at boot and there is no /dev/rtc device file. hwclock --hctosys complains about that and refuses to set the system clock.

you presumably need to add genrtc (or rtc, if your booard supports it) to /etc/modules.

If I manually create the device file (mknod rtc c 10 135), then hwclock --hctosys works and sets the time correctly. Now, if I reboot the system, the problem is back and the /dev/rtc I created has disappeared!

sounds like you have udev installed :-) loading the module creates the

I added rtc to /etc/modules and rebooted. That solved the problem.

Håkan Stedfansson

Frederik Schueler

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