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problems with apt-get

I'm new to Debian, trying to install a kernel image for amd64-k8-smp.

I'm having problems when I try to do an "apt-get install

I've had a look at the /etc/apt/sources.list file, and added a few
sources but with no luck.

My sources file looks like:
#deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main

#deb ftp://amd64.debian.net/debian-amd64 testing main
#deb-src ftp://amd64.debian.net/debian-amd64 testing main
#deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian-amd64/debian testing main contrib
#deb http://bach.hpc2n.umu.se/debian-amd64/debian testing main contrib
#deb http://bytekeeper.as28747.net/debian-amd64/debian testing main
#deb ftp://mirror.switch.ch testing main contrib
deb http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian-amd64/debian sarge main contrib

One note: I thought I installed "sid", but the 3 top lines were the
original lines in this file, and said "sarge" or "testing" (as they
still do), so I guess I've installed sarge?  

The output of my apt-get install is:

rahdebian:/etc/apt# apt-get install \ kernel-image-2.6.8-11-amd64-k8-smp

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ftp.nl.debian.org sarge/main
(/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nl.debian.org_debian-amd64_debian_dists_sarge_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ftp.nl.debian.org
sarge/contrib Packages
(/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nl.debian.org_debian-amd64_debian_dists_sarge_contrib_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
E: Couldn't find package kernel-image-2.6.8-11-amd64-k8-smp

I've noticed that the "(/var/lib/apt/...) line above replaces "/" with
"_".  This looks like a problem (maybe the cause of my hassles?), but
how on earth do the "_" get there??

Is "Contents-amd64.gz" the source package list which the above error msg
is referring to?  If so, it can be found at :


which is a different path from the one enabled in sources.list, so
what's going on here??

Rupert Heesom <rupert@heesom.org.uk>

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