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creating a linker for chroot

"You also need a link to your 32bit linker in the /lib path. Change in to 
directory /lib and create a link to the 32bit linker library of your chroot: 
(The name of the 64bit linker is ld-linux-x86-64.so.2)"  Say what?  I am 
supposed to run ln -s /var/chroot/sid-ia32/lib/ls-linux-x86-somthing.s0.2 
ls-linux-x86-somthing.s0.2?  If so, why do I care what the name of the 64 bit 
linker is?  I am lost on this step, IMHO an example is need here in the 
howto.  Could one of you point out to me what is needed.  I am stopped at 
this step for now with out guidance.  Thanks.
Damon L. Chesser

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