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Re: amd64 into mainstream

On Wednesday 20 April 2005 5:34am, Clive Menzies wrote:
> Debian and Ubuntu appear to have a symbiotic relationship, at least

well kinda....

> I regard them as complementary rather than competing offerings.  Many of
> the live CDs and desktop distros are debian based and not only expand
> user choice but extend the reach of debian and free software.
> Naturally, there is a fear that widespread adoption of alternative
> distros will be at the expense of debian; on the contrary, all these
> debian derivatives are strengthening rather than weakening it.

Please show us evidence of this.  What I suspect is that the alternatives are 
moving so far ahead of Debian, because Debian is having a long and painful 
childbirth of Sarge so all forward looking work is on hold, that very little 
is getting back into Debian.  I'm afraid of what happens if Ubuntu gets so 
far ahead, and continues to diverge from Debian base while they do, and 
meanwhile Debian remains mired in its identity crisis, that eventually Ubuntu 
just decides they can't wait for us to catch up any more and they simply fork 

> After all modifying and distributing your changes is what free software is
> all  about - so we should embrace it.

Except when the changes create incompatibility.  It isn't so much code that 
I'm worried about forking, its the standards Debian is built on.  What 
happens when Debian can't move fast enough for Ubuntu so Ubuntu starts making 
incompatible improvements to dpkg/apt to improve their customer's experience 
with updating their system?  This wouldn't be much of an issue to me if 
Debian were moving forward with a clear vision for the Desktop.  However 
Debian doesn't have a clear vision for the Desktop, it doesn't even have a 
clear vision of what it wants to be 10 years from now.  Because of this, 
Debian is not moving forward at a decent pace, and that's why I worry about 
the derivatives of Debian moving so far ahead that their symbiotic 
relationship with Debian simply becomes parasitic, with the derivatives 
slowly sucking energy, ideas, developers, and users from Debian itself.

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