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Re: pinning for easy downgrading

Alexandru Cabuz <alexcabuz@gmail.com> writes:

> Is there any way to configure apt to install sid pure64 but in such a
> way that when sarge will become sufficiently tested and sufficiently
> stable and friendly, I can downgrade to it?
> Is downgrading in general a doable thing?

For sarge:

mrvn@frosties:~% cat /mnt/buildd/sarge/etc/apt/preferences
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian-amd64,a=testing,v=3.1
Pin-Priority: 1001

For sid:

mrvn@frosties:~% cat /mnt/buildd/sarge/etc/apt/preferences
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian-amd64,a=unstable,v=3.2
Pin-Priority: 1001

Sarge is all done except for having 78 packages less than sid has that
it should have. Things that need patches to compile mostly.

> I have heard it's supposed to be so unpractical it's not worth it.

It was until recently. The scripts for sarge are now all in place and
seem to work fine.

> Isn't there any way to do it though? Cos running sid can be a little
> annoying what with constant upgrading problems with buggy packages,
> and having to hold them, etc.
> As a side note, I am asking because I had just realized I had
> forgotten that my firewall (on my amd64 sid) was not running for a
> couple of hours and when I came to, I found all my base files missing.
> I can't even do ls, or top or ps or cat or nano or emacs anymore. It
> says the files don't exist. I can cd though! Yay!
> On the bright side, he seems to have left my home directory thankfully
> untouched. So he just wanted to teach me a "lesson"... the sonufa...
> So I think this is a reinstall job. Right?

Did you not upgrade for a long time and now upgrade?

Does '/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /bin/ls -ld /lib64' work and show the


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