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Re: Big filesystems.

Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
Unfortunately XFS also repeatedly swallowed a number of my volumes.  I
found it to be more unstable than any filesystem I have used (save
VxFS).  When using XFS, one must not read from the underlying device, or
one risks corruption.
In Linux, doing this on *any* filesystem will potentially cause corruption.

This is why e2dump/e2restore are *unsafe* and not to be used.

Raw I/O operations bypass the buffer cache, so of course it'd be corrupted.

If you're dicking with device access while a partition is mounted and you lose data, you deserve what you get. This behavior has been a no-no forever.

 This leads one to believe that using XFS on LVM,
md, or enbd would be somewhat risky.
I dunno what 'enbd' is, but XFS on LVM or md is perfectly safe. They're kernel drivers for starters, so they can coordinate block I/O operations. They also sit below XFS in the I/O layer, XFS just sees them as another partition.

I dunno how you came across this conclusion at all.


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