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Re: Non-US packages

Koef <koef@notsupported.org> writes:

> I need vtun package which normally is in the "non-US" repositories,
> but I can't find non-US on the pure64 deb sites. What am I missing?

The alioth machine (which hosts the pure64 archive) is located in the
US, so it cannot include the non-US archive. However, vtun will move to
main: <http://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2004/09/msg00409.html>.

In the meantime, you could download the source package and build it
yourself. I just tried it; it worked out of the box and took less than
10 seconds (dpkg-buildpackage ran for 8.28 seconds, to be exact).


   ,--.                                          ,= ,-_-. =.
  / ,- )    Martin Dickopp, Dresden, Germany    ((_/)o o(\_))
  \ `-'        http://www.zero-based.org/        `-'(. .)`-'
   `-.                                               \_/

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