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Re: Installation problem with tyan mainboard

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Thierry Dumont wrote:

I cannot install debian-amd64 on my Tyan based machine.
This problem looks like a previous one, posted here some weeks ago.

PROBLEM: instalation "freeze" after loading the scsi driver.

BUT: actually, I have succeded one installation (3 weeks ago); after upgrading the system (and the kernel) some days ago, I could not reboot. So, I decided to reinstall...When the system whas working (before I upgraded
it), it was also difficult to reboot the machine, with a lot of "retry"
of the scsi driver during the boot sequence.

Yes, I have similar problems. I have not gotten a modern kernel running on it.

4) I load mptscsih ....

and here, the machine freezes.

any idea ?

Yes, I have seen this. I have no solution so far. Can you see if an upstreams kernel have the same problem?

/Mattias Wadenstein

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