Re: debian installer images
Andy Main <> writes:
>> > Hi there,
>> >
>> > Just wondering whether you can install a sarge pure64 system using the
>> > debian-installer isos? I only ask because they are marked as sid.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Andy
>> I'm still in the process of setting up the sarge repository and
>> haven't even tried a cdebootstrap on it yet. You can try but if it
>> fails only time will fix it.
>> The sarge repositoy is under /sarge instead of /pure64.
> What would you recommend then for a main pc? Should I try it, use the
> sid one, or just use a plain i386 sarge install (I've always wondered -
If you have to ask that the answere is nearly always stable, i.e. i386
If you want to try out the amd64 port be prepared for problems,
downtime, working around bugs, keeping on top of things. Many people
have successfully installed it and use it daily but compared to the
testing the stable i386 underwend over the years that a minor portion.
And the amd64 port is testing/unstable. Things break (or get fixed)
> can you still compile the kernel for x86_64 in this way?).
We are working on getting a compiler into sarge that will let you
compile x86_64 kernels. So far you cannot but need to download extra
> Thanks,
> Andy
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