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Make a Fortune on eBay...

---- Start SpamAssassin results
22.60 points, 4 required;
*  0.8 -- From: does not include a real name
*  0.7 -- From: ends in numbers
*  2.9 -- BODY: Be your own boss
*  1.4 -- BODY: Message is 10% to 20% HTML
*  1.1 -- BODY: HTML included in message
*  1.1 -- BODY: HTML link text says "CLICK"
*  7.5 -- BODY: Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 91 and 100
          [cf: 100]
*  2.0 -- Listed in Razor2, see http://razor.sf.net/
*  2.8 -- Recipient list is sorted by address
*  2.1 -- Similar addresses in recipient list
*  0.1 -- RBL: Received via a relay in dnsbl.njabl.org
          [RBL check: found, type:]
*  0.1 -- RBL: NJABL: sender is on dialup/dynamic IP
*  0.0 -- Contains at least 3 dollar signs in a row

---- End of SpamAssassin results

--- Begin Message ---
You can Make a FORTUNE on eBay.

Learn the Secrets of eBay Power-Sellers.
Be Your Own Boss.
Earn Extra $$$ Part-Time.
Start a Successful Online Business.

Now YOU too can turn eBay into a
NON-STOP Cash Generating Machine....

More Info:

AOL Members:
<a href="www.web-offers.net/ebay123">CLICK_HERE</a> or
<a href="bay104.5p.org.uk">CLICK_HERE</a>


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--- End Message ---

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