Re: Updated Debian Ports installation images
Hi Ulrich!
On 3/20/22 20:22, Ulrich Teichert wrote:
> I tried the basic image on a miata with mixed success. I could boot it,
> but the devices on the QLA1040 SCSI controler were not detected - which is
> the build-in SCSI controler on that machine type, so I could not even mount
> the CD from which I booted, nor any of the disks. It could not load the
> firmware - OK, I so tried the non-free image, but it failed with the same
> error:
> ...
> qla1280: QLA1040 found on PCI bus 1, dev 4
> qla1280 0000:01:04.0: firmware: failed to load qlogic/1040.bin (-2)
> ...
The firmware images are missing the files in the firmware folder which contain
information about matching hardware IDs with firmware. Consequently, the firmware
is not loaded automatically.
However, the firmware packages are still on the CD, located in
Maybe you can try installing the packages manually until we have sorted out the
issue with the meta-data.
.''`. John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' : Debian Developer -
`. `' Freie Universitaet Berlin -
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