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Re: Updated installation images for Debian Ports 2019-05-09


On 5/13/19 1:53 AM, Darren Goossens wrote:
> I burned 2 copies of the CD image and put one in each CD drive.  The
> SRM console can only boot the SCSI drives, and I could successfully
> boot the CD. When it got to the point of scanning for hardware, the
> installer found the disc in the IDE CDROM (but not the SCSI drive) and
> was able to continue the installation by using the second disc. It
> found the Ethernet (tulip) as well.

Not sure what you mean by second disc? The installer image is a NETINST
ISO, it only comes on one disc.

> When it came to disk partitioning, the installer could see the IDE
> HDDs but not the SCSI ones. I was able to install onto the IDE drives
> but since SRM cannot boot them that's not a full solution.

Yes, that's because of missing firmware. As I said, I am working on that.

> As previously, the installer asked me to install firmware from
> removable media, in this case qlogic/1040.bin, and at some point I was
> some output mentioning missing qla1280. So these SCSI firmware seem to
> be the only real issue at the moment, assuming the required kernel
> modules are also available.

No, there is also an issue with vim not being installable because it
didn't build on the buildds and had to build it manually. I have done
that and that issue will be fixed, too. I noticed that issue when
installing on my XP-1000.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de
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