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Re: updated kernels / miata sound

On 27/05/2006, at 10:05 AM, Bob Tracy wrote:

Just a followup on this thread: can't seem to get the ALSA "snd- es18xx"
driver to work, so I'm going to try the old OSS "sb" driver.  Progress
report to follow...

Yes, I have also been having problems getting the ALSA sound driver working under a 2.6 kernel on both an XP1000 and a PWS600au. When I was running the Debian 2.4 kernel the OSS sb driver worked fine.

I am currently running my own compiled kernel, but I had the same problems when I tried the 2.6.15-whatever debian test kernel a couple or so months back.

I don't get any sound out of the system at all. Running one of the alsa sound test programs (speaker-test) produces no sound, and eventually the kernel starts barfing error messages "Bad page state" with much unilluminating hex numbers (is this an oops?). I just tried the alpha-alsa.patch mentioned earlier in this thread but it makes no difference.

I am also happy to participate in the discussion and try tests to isolate the problem with sound under alsa on these machines.


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