debian-alpha Feb 2005 by thread
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what scsi card to buy ? James D. Freels
loadmodules file in initrd.img contains 'modprobe qlogicisp' - WAS: Please test new kernel-image-2.6.10-alpha packages (fwd) Toni L. Harbaugh-Blackford [Contr]
loadmodules file was part of problem, but qlogicisp 'detected' during boot - WAS: Please test new kernel-image-2.6.10-alpha packages Toni L. Harbaugh-Blackford [Contr]
how are you ? mallika
Dual Alpha 833M machine with 2048M of memory Andrew M.A. Cater
ES18XX Tyson Whitehead
Reiser4/Alpha Thomas Evans
udev and kernel page size Uwe Schindler
debian alpha on DEC 3000 Peter 'p2' De Schrijver
ES40 fails to boot daily build net-install Michael Galloway
Debian Net Install - how to start expert mode / 2.6 Kernel from SRM Matt Simis
Aieee Seti Adrian Zaugg
RE: dying scsi drive? labrahemmo
XFree86 on XP900 Mark Ter Morshuizen
Trouble running XFree on DEC500a John Larsen
AVVISO DI VIRUS / VIRUS WARNING : Worm.SomeFool.P webmaster
2.6.8 + SMP + dac960 problem David Monro
2.6.10, module scsi_mod: Relocation overflow vs section 27 David Monro
trying to run em86: getdents ? James D. Freels
fw: high cholesterol breakthrough discovery - ringlet Nelda Joan
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