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Re: Problems with glib or Scintilla


This is the answer I got from the gPHPEdit developer. The screem
developers released a patch, that is available on sf.net to apply to
the 0.12.1 version. I applied it and screem works ok now.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andy Jeffries <andy@gphpedit.org>
Date: Aug 3, 2005 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Problems with glib or Scintilla
To: Raw Data <rawdataz@gmail.com>

Raw Data wrote:
> This is the answer I got. I talked about 2 packages yours gPHPEdit and
> screem. So, i've included everything here.

This is actually very helpful.  As I didn't write GtkScintilla I have no
idea how to port it to a 64 bit architecture (or other-endian
architecture).  I'll respond below where I can... Feel free to forward
it to the mailing list.

> I'm *so* glad these kinds of coding idiocies are now fatal errors with
> gcc 4.0...
> The attached patch fixes the error in gPHPEdit (actually in the included
> scintilla code.... why does gPHPEdit embed scintilla code? :P)

Mainly because there were two "competing" distributions of
GtkScintilla2, one official one and the one with my fixes in it (which I
needed for gPHPEdit's macro recording functionality).

The maintainer of GtkScintilla2 wasn't releasing on the same schedule as
me so I started distributing my own version of it (separately, as an
RPM, deb and tarball) so I could guarantee there was a working version
for gPHPEdit users to install.

When a Debian maintainer wanted to include gPHPEdit he faced resistance
as there were two versions of GtkScintilla2 and they couldn't fairly
include one and exclude another.

So I bundled it with gPHPEdit and it got in to Debian.

I neither wrote GtkScintilla2 or Scintilla, I just added a few fixes to

> This
> package is completely unusable on 64-bit architectures due to this
> bone-headed, why-would-you-do-that-when-that's-not-what-the-API-docs-say
> error.  This warrants a grave bug against gphpedit.

Thanks, but just to make myself feel better, it seems to be against the
embedded GtkScintilla2 rather than gPHPEdit itself, although I
understand as I'm embedding it then I have to take responsibility for
the bug.

I installed an amd64 version of Linux on my box but it kept segfaulting.
I asked in some Gtk/glib IRC rooms about suggestions to port to 64-bit
and got no answers so left it as not-working in 64-bit architectures.

> Unfortunately, after fixing this bug I get another segfault with a much,
> much less useful backtrace; and there's also bug #315539, which may or may
> not be related.

If you can give any more help on fixing these errors, I'd appreciate it.
 I don't get segfaults under Gentoo x86 so don't get to see them.

 > Clearly, gphpedit should never have been included in a
> stable release in this state, but apparently it didn't get much testing
> before sarge went out the door.

Thankfully I had no real part in getting it in your stable release, so
can't take any blame there... :-)



Andy Jeffries                 | gPHPEdit Lead Developer
http://www.gphpedit.org       | PHP editor for Gnome 2
http://www.andyjeffries.co.uk | Personal site and photos

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