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Re: acrobat reader


Thanks Steve for those links. I have an O2 running IRIX 6.5 at work used for molecular modelling (typical uni setup - connected straight to net too). I didn't know of that of that vulnerability. Hence your reply was useful. I'll check it. Thanks

Steve Langasek wrote:
On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 12:48:35PM +1100, Michael Lake wrote:

Steve Langasek wrote:

The Acrobat Reader software has serious security problems that Adobe has
expressed a lack of interest in correcting.  It's recommended that you
use xpdf instead, and report any bugs to the very responsive maintainer.

Can you provide some links/refs or brief description of the security problems? What are they? I understand that PostScript can contain virii as its a full programming language but PDF is less that that. What can it do thats nasty?

A little googling turned up this reference to the Irix security advisory
for the problem:


At the time, attempts to persuade Adobe to release a fixed version of
the software for Linux failed, and the license is sufficiently non-free
that we couldn't fix the problem locally at the time (and can't
distribute the software at all now, in any case).

There's also http://bugs.debian.org/137997, a bug about static linking
with a buggy zlib (which may have been fixed by Adobe since).


Mike Lake
Caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.

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