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Re: SIGFPE and -mieee

On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 11:10:01AM -0400, George France wrote:
> Everything built for alpha should use -mieee.  It is not need on most other 
> architrectures, but it is almost a requirement for the alpha architecture.  

Sure, since all other (popular) architectures implement the IEEE

> This has been a subject of lengthy discussion on several mailing list.

Well, which ones? I can't remember such discussions with the outcome
you mention on either debian alpha nor redhat-axp. 

One of the reasons for the speed of alpha is the ability to calculate
fast, eliminating often unnecessary checks. So why should we do away
this advantage by re-inserting those checks on a broad basis again
when compiling software?

If a program divides by zero, it is a bug. If it can't handle an
overflow, it is a bug. If the author *knows* there could be a division
by zero or simmilar, he/she has to provide checks.

-mieee is for software where speed is absolutly irrelevant and where
bugs like those mentions are no problems (e.g. an office suite). Also
it can be a first step to get an application running on alpha at all.
But IMHO this should be decided on a case by case basis and not be
stuck into every compilation; especially since several programs are
fixed now and can work fine without -mieee (or never needed one in the
first place). 

> I hope this helps.

Nope, sorry. 


Helge Kreutzmann, Dipl.-Phys.               Helge.Kreutzmann@itp.uni-hannover.de
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