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[Fwd: Re: seti@home for alpha]

I recently placed SETI@HOME on my an axp pci 33. Got the client directly from seti@home's web site. The url is:


the client's name is alpha-unknown-linux-gnu.

As best I can tell, it's a statically linked binary. Upon initial installation, it complained about a lockfile already in use. There
wasn't a lock file in the run directory.  Perusing the help pages for
it, there is a -nolock option that skips the lockfile. Even with this option set, I only get one instance of seti for the given user in the
given directory.

It has now been running on the AXP for about three weeks.

John Clymer

On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 11:36:08PM -0600, Ted Goodridge, Jr wrote:
> I do apologize if this has already been asked (I don't know a decent
> repository of axp-list archives, redhats are ancient) but:
> is there a SETI@Home client that works on alpha? I'd be more than happy to
> compile one if anyone has tried one ;)
> it's getting chilli in my room at night I thought the old LX could help
> keep me warm ;);)

There is one, but it doesn't seem to run very well (see the bugs that I
have filed on it in the Debian BTS).  I've also filed reports directly
with SETI themselves, but they haven't replied.  Not really surprising;
this is a pretty minority platform!


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