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Re: mozilla on alpha - .deb hangs, self-compiled also faulty

Jurriaan on Alpha wrote:
> I'm running Debian (testing) on my PWS500au (1.5 Gb ram, 45 Gb disks).
> The only thing I'm missing to dump my x86 system is a graphical
> web-browser. links and lynx are very nice, and I use them daily, but
> they're not always the first choice.
> I run the latest XFree (4.1.0-9) on a Matrox Millennium II with 8 Mb,
> with fvwm95 as window-manager.
> So I downloaded Mozilla M18-3 via apt. It starts, then hangs. This seems
> to be a common problem, I found more people having this problem on the
> www. Then I deceided to put all that memory and diskspace to good use
> and compile mozilla (0.9.5) myself. Given the following .mozconfig file
> ac_add_options --disable-tests
> ac_add_options --disable-debug
> ac_add_options --enable-strip-libs
> ac_add_options --disable-mailnews
> ac_add_options --enable-optimize
> and the following ./configure options:
> ./configure --without-debug-modules --enable-optimize
> --disable-trace-malloc --disable-jsd --disable-logging
> --disable-mailnews --disable-debug
> it compiles without errors.
> If I then go to dist/bin and type ./mozilla I get a mozilla-window, but
> it doesn't know anything about my window-manager - it's just a window,
> and I can only resize it via the file menu.
> Is there a special trick to get it to behave like a normal program,
> where the bottom right corner changes the mouse to a resize cursor and
> allows dragging to resize? I've twiddled with a few configure options,
> but recompiling this monstrosity takes quite some time, and it didn't
> work out.
> Thanks,
> Jurriaan
> --
> There was an uncomfortable silence. When Fisher finally spoke again, her
> voice was calm and cold and very deadly. "When this is all over, there's
> going to be an accounting between me and Commander bloody Glen."
>         Simon R Green - Guard against Dishonour
> --
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I dunno about compiling Mozilla, but I have d/l and installed the
Mozilla package from Debian Unstable, and it seems to work OK.  I had
the best luck with 0.9.4 version, and I think the current one is 0.9.5.

I have really low memory here (64 Megs), and an old Alpha 300 XLT, so
Mozilla is a real dog.  I seem to experience a lot of memory paging or
swaping on startup...really dunno which.  YMMV if you have a faster
machine with more memory.

-Don Spoon-

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