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Snort in Potato and unaligned traps...

Hi Chris (and all the rest of the list)...

    I know you do a great deal to further the Debian cause on the Alpha
platforms and have techniques you utilize to correct this type of a problem
(unaligned traps).

    I was wondering if there is a HOWTO paper anywhere which describes the
methods to review the source code of applications (and any other software
source code as well) to find and correct unaligned traps and other
"features" <grin>...  One of the reasons for the question is Snort in Potato
currently has such a "feature" and is also at least 2 revisions behind the
current version of Snort... I would like to clean it up (reduce the
/var/log/messages file size to relevant information).  I know you and the
rest of the list have other more pressing issues to deal with and this would
give me more insight into the alpha.

Any suggestions or sources of information would be greatly appreciated (and
then I could get the latest version of Snort running as well <grin>...)...

Oh - btw:  The last time I had sent an email to you it was about the Seti
program not working on my system and you (and a few others) suggested using
a different method - well - I did it a different way than that... I
downloaded the latest version for Linux-alpha and just used the -nolock flag
and the software was happy (just have to watch out and not try to run
multiple sessions in the same directory <grin>).... worked out fine that way
(and kept it running in a pure Debian environment too)...


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