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RE: Why halt does reboot?

You probably have the "AUTO_ACTION" environment variable in SRM
set to "BOOT" instead of "HALT".  Try halting the machine, then
as the SRM prompt is about to come up (but before it actually
does), begin hitting Ctrl-C repeatedly, as fast as you can manage.
It can be difficult to get it in at just the right time, so you
may have to do this a few times (I've seen situations where 3 or
4 different people have done this, and failed, only to have one
more person try and succeed).  Once it takes, you should see the
SRM prompt (">>>").  When this happens, type "show auto*" at the
prompt (without the quotes).  That will show you the value of
the AUTO_ACTION variable.  If it's wrong (and I expect it will
be), you can change it by typing "set auto_action halt".  After
that, the system should just come up to the SRM console when
you halt it, rather than rebooting.  Let me know whether or not
this helps, please.

Mike Lease,
Alpha Technology Solutions Group

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francesco P. Lovergine [mailto:frankie@debian.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 8:53 AM
> To: debian-alpha@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Why halt does reboot?
> Just installed 2.2r2 on a Alphastation 500. 
> This is a trial for a successive installation of a beowulf cluster.
> The problem is: halt instruction does reboot the machine instead of 
> stopping it. Boot is done by aboot and SRM is the eprom monitor.
> Kernel is 2.2.18pre17.
> Thank you in advance
> -- 
> Francesco P. Lovergine
> -- 
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