Re: samba 2.0.8 broke on my Debian/Alpha machines
yes I have the same error since the last upgrade.
Here is the error I get in my logs :
[2001/04/20 11:00:45, 0] lib/util_sec.c:assert_gid(72)
Failed to set gid privileges to (-1,50) now set to (0,0) uid=(0,0)
[2001/04/20 11:00:45, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(2381)
PANIC: failed to set gid
On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 01:15:31PM -0400, James D. Freels wrote:
> First, the output from code says Samba is now 2.0.8 in the stable release.
> However, the packages themselves are named 2.0.7. Isn't that a bug in itself
> ? Both Intel and Alpha have this problem.
> My Debian/Intel machines had no problem with the recent security upgrade.
> However, both of my Alpha machines cannot be accessed by Windows machines
> now. However, my AMANDA backup of the windows machines to the Alpha servers
> is still working.
> Anyone else have broken Sambas with v2.0.8 on the Alpha? Anyone else have a
> quick fix before I dive into it ?
> Thanks...
> --
> James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.
> Oak Ridge National Laboratory
> - work
> - home
> --
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