Re: compiling
On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, T. Weyergraf wrote:
> > changed, some links changed to adapt it to debian. At first I thought,
> > that the CD archives might be defective, so I downloaded the libcpml
> > again from the website, but again the file contains nothing. What is
> > going on here? Did something go wrong with the debianisation?
> This is a funny one. It seems to be due to the fact, that the rpm
> postinstall-script scrambles this big time. To "manually" fix things,
> try the following procedure:
> 1. cd to the proper cpml-directory. In my case ( different version,
> 5.0.0 ), it is
> /usr/lib/compaq/cpml-5.0.0
> 2. run the following command, in that directory:
> ld -shared -o -soname -whole-archive
> libcpml_ev6.a -no-whole-archive -lots
> ( I *really* hope, I did not do any typos ;-)
> 3. Try it.
It worked! Now the file is 610 kb large. What does it do? The ld is
started and the lib*.a for static linking somehow converted to the lib
for dynamic linking?
The libcpml*.so is now labelled as executable should this be changed?
> I you wouldn't mind, please let me know, if the above works. I'm
> preparing a little document on installing/using the Compaq
> compiler-toolchain on Debian.
The complaint about a truncated lcpml does not show up anymore, but now
the compilation stops with this error message:
ld: cannot find -lgcc
make: *** [mb] Error 1
What is lgcc? Is there somewhere a path missing?
> Greetings from Duesseldorf 8-) ( International audience: this is a
> _very_ local and german
> thing - don't worry ;-)
Greetings from Cologne (Alaaf),
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