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Re: new disks

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, George A. Dowding wrote:

> I have a running alpha system and just newer bigger disks.  I am
> wondering if it would be better to try to migrate the OS to the new
> disks or do a fresh install.  The current system was originally slink
> and upgraded to potato quite some time ago.
> Comments?

	Given how time consuming it often is to "tweak" a Linux system to
get it just the way you want, and the power of the Debian upgrade path, I
say don't reinstall. Just install your new disk (or if necessary, hook it
up, hanging out of the case :), partition it, format it, mount it and then
copy all of the files on over to it.
	Only thing to watch out for is that you use a program that
understands all types of files, something like afio or rsync. I have used
both to copy systems without problems. Try something like:

# mount /dev/newdsk /mnt
# rsync -av --exclude /mnt / /mnt


# mount /dev/newdsk /mnt
# cd /mnt
# find / -xdev -print | afio -o - | afio -ivz -

In both cases, make sure to umount all other filesystems first, and
shutdown as many services as possible. Of course, only have a root console
login running as well (i.e. no X, no other users). Basically get the
system as quiet as possible. 
	The tricky part is getting the boot loader going for the second
disk, but with Alphas that is not too hard. Just copy milo (assume you use
it to boot with) to a new dosfs partition on the new disk, and what ever
files you need there as well. Then shutdown, remove the old disk, and put
the new disk in its place (physically and logically, including SCSI id.),
and you should be ready to go. 
	A bit tricky to do, but easier than reinstalling and reconfiguring
a system. At least in IMHO. My two cents, hope they are of help.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                    |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |  http://www.rkirkpat.net/   |

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