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Christopher C. Chimelis (chris@debian.org) wrote:

> Ok, found the problem that the above refers to and fixed it.  If you give
> it the -e and -S arguments, it works great for root.  Now it should be a
> snap to figure out the rest.  I'll generate a patch when I'm finished.

I'll go ahead and file bugs for gnomeicu and nmap. Ok? 

> Actually, yeah, that would be great.  IIRC, sniffit and strobe also had
> the same problem.  Please double-check, though.  I'll tackle those once I
> get nmap totally fixed.

Hmm, I can't get sniffit or strobe to do anything "funny". They both
work fine!? I tried them on several different hosts and both local LAN
(eth0) and dialup (ppp0) without a hitch. I'll keep playing with them


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