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RE: Seti@home on Linux w/Tru64 libs


On 27-Jan-2000 jmd wrote:
> Is anyone running the alpha-dec-osf* version of Seti@home on Alpah
> linux? What libraries are needed? Is there a FAQ or webpage with info?

libc and libm and a valid /etc/svc.conf. I used the FAQ for running netscape
for true 64 unix and limited myself to the libs necessary.

Instead of writing a FAQ it will be better to make the SETI people stop
behaving like complete im... and finally compile a recent version of the client
(versus Compaq CPML and or with Compaq CCC if possible). Having a look at their
web site:

alphaev5-unknown-linux-gnu has only version 1.1 which is slow, has memory
leaks, etc. The only other systems to be still at version 1.1 are openbsd for
alpha, x86 and sparc. 

In btw, considering the fact that the 2.0 client compiles under DecOSF and linux
x86 I see no problem compiling it under alpha-linux (possibly with compaq CCC).

I wrote them politely a couple of times to no avail. Letters go into a
blackhole. No answers, nothing. 

I have stopped running it on all my machines afer all. I see no point of wasting
CPU cycles if they do not have the intention to release an optimized client. And
running the dgux client is just bypassing the fact they _do_not_want_ to release
a proper linux one.

Cheers ;-)

- ----------------------------------
Anton R. Ivanov
IP Engineer Level3 Communications
RIPE: ARI2-RIPE      E-Mail: Anton Ivanov <aivanov@eu.level3.net>
@*** Airplane Law ***
      When the plane you are on is late, the plane you want to
      transfer to is on time.

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