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Re: kernel upgrade

On 14 Aug 1999, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:

> In article <cistron.Pine.LNX.3.96.990814091943.14769B-100000@sloth>,
> Dave Wiard  <davew@wcug.wwu.edu> wrote:
> >Ok, once again, I'll post this up.  Maybe somebody can give me some
> >specifics.  Once I've got the new kernel compiled, what steps need to be
> >taken to run with the new kernel?  I've got an SX164, AlphaBIOS (for the
> >time being I still need NT).  Debian 2.1, and the new kernel will be
> >2.2.11.  Thanks in advance, I've never done this successfullly before.
> Don't use 2.2.11. It's br0ken. 2.2.12 will be out on monday or tuesday.

	I will second this. The best it did on my XLT was kernel panic
when trying to initialize my SCSI controllers. I would recommend 2.2.5 or
2.2.7, as they both appear rather stable.
	As for actually selecting a new kernel to boot... Make sure that
the kernel is in /boot on the your / partition. Then reboot, go into
AlphaBIOS OS setup, and change the boot command line parameters that are
to be given to milo to include the name of the new kernel, i.e. 'boot
sda3:boot/vmlinuz-2.2.5'. Then save the settings and boot as usual.
	If you use the make-kpkg script to build your kernels, when you
install the resulting deb file, the kernel (vmlinuz-2.2.x) will end up in
/boot. I usually then create a hard link of the kernel I want to use to
/boot/vmlinuz, and then just do a straight reboot (just drop back to MILO
and then boot linux again). I have AlphaBIOS setup to tell MILO to boot
sda3:boot/vmlinuz, making it easy to run new kernels.
	Oh, one warning, use only hard links, NOT symlinks. It may just be
my verision of MILO (Debian 2.0 distrib version), or MILO in general, but
trying to boot symlinks to kernel images (i.e. boot sda3:boot/vmlinuz,
where vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.2.5) results in some nasty errors and a failure
to boot.
	Hopefully that explains things sufficiently. Good Luck!

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                     |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)    |
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | rkirkpat@nag.cs.colorado.edu  |
|               http://www-ugrad.cs.colorado.edu/~rkirkpat/                |

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