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AS200 4/100 install if fd0 not available?

We're running DEC Unix v4.0D patch kit 3 on an AS200 4/100.  We've looked
through the Debian 2.1 Alpha READMEs and been looking on the web, but have
very little idea of how to get the initial steps of this install done.
The accompanying documentation seems to leave a LOT to be desired.

However, we've only got SRM, no ARC.  And no DOS or WinDoze.

This is our first Alpha install, we've done several 2.0 and 2.1 on i386.

We have a CD-ROM and TLZ07 DAT tape on the system.  We don't know from
our reading exactly what "aboot" is, but we can get to its prompt if we
dd the Avanti resc1440.bin to a tape and boot from it.  When we try to
specify the kernel at the prompt, using

boot/avanti/{linux|milo|loadlin.exe} root=/dev/scd0 load_ramdisk=1

it will try to load the specified file, first as plain, then as compressed,
and error off with "unzip:  unknown compression method", and puts us 
back at the aboot prompt.

Does anyone know where we've managed to lose the track?  FWIW, we've also:

Tried copying milo.dd to tape (wrong length error message at boot)
Tried a straight boot from dka100, the CD-ROM device (no boot image found)
dd'ing milo to a spare drive on the system, but couldn't write to the raw device

Any suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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