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upgrading multia udb to potato

I have a Multia UDB here that is running slink. I'd like to be able to run ssh and some of the other non-US programs on it, but there is no 'binary-alpha' directory.

I had the bright idea of trying to compile ssh myself, but it seems that I need libraries that aren't available either. So, I need to upgrade to potato so I can run SSL-enabled programs.

Last time I tried to update my system to potato, the clock went all screwy on me, and I had to wipe and reinstall slink. I upgraded to potato before I had the 2.2 kernel installed. I also had to use a different MILO than the one included on the boot diskette for slink.

My question boils down to this: What do I need to do to make sure that the clock continues to work right, and doesn't decide it's January 1970? Should I make sure I have a certain version of MILO, or did my previous problem come from using potato binaries with the 2.0.36 stock kernel?

Thank you,

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