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Bad news...

Not that I've been of much assistance to the port of late, but I
thought it appropriate to announce that my UDB---which was for a large
part of early '97 the *only* Debian/Alpha box in existence---has given
up the ghost.

Since I have recently found I'm going to be moving to North Carolina,
and am looking to buy a house, etc, I'm not in a financial position to
do much of anything about getting it running again---especially since
I just shelled out a couple hundred dollars for new memory for it last
month, which nearly doubled my investment in the thing.

So, although I'll be reading the mailing list, and may find the
wherewithall to revive the machine (or get a new, shiny, faster, one)
at some point in the future, don't count on me to be anything other
than a passive observer---I won't even be able to see that my own
packages get compiled for alpha out of the box.

Oh, well.


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