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who ported lsof_4.28-1 ? And qcam question

I tried to build lsof_4.28-3, but while the build apparently went well,
it doesn't do anything at all. Upon closer inspection the docs say that
it only works on i386 linux.  However, the -1 version _does_ work on

So, I was wondering what magic had been done to get it to work, and
why that wasn't put back into the official version... Additionally,
can it be reproduced? maybe something in the libc stuff has changed?

In the same thread, I recently got my hands on a QuickCam, and tried
it on Alpha. No go (it couldn't detect the qcam). However, I recall
that someone on this list had reported success! Could that person
speak up, and verify that it still works?

Paul Slootman

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