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Re: svgalib -- finally!

Thanks, Chris, it's great.  I have one comment, however.

Recently I had a look at svgalib.  I don't think it's good to have
different binary versions for different types of machines.  Libc
provides a means to be platform-independent in such cases (that's how X
server works, for example) by using _bus_base(), _bus_base_sparse() and
_hae_shift().  Just re#defining appropriate macros in libvga.h might be
sufficient, something like this:

#ifdef __alpha__
#include <sys/io.h>	/* instead of asm/io.h and autoconf.h */
#define DENSE_MEM_BASE  _bus_base ()
#define SPARSE_MEM_BASE _bus_base_sparse ()
#define MEM_SHIFT       _hae_shift ()
#define MEM_TYPE_BYTE   0x00
#define MEM_TYPE_WORD   (1 << (MEM_SHIFT - 2))
#define MEM_TYPE_LONG   (3 << (MEM_SHIFT - 2))
#define GRAPH_BASE (DENSE_MEM_BASE + 0xA0000)   /* this is wrong for */
#define FONT_BASE  (DENSE_MEM_BASE + 0xA0000)   /* jensen type hardware */

Note that jensen has no dense memory, so this won't work on jensens.
I'd be surpised to know that the original code ever worked on them.

Since this #defined stuff is no longer plain numbers, but function calls
coupled with some arithmetics, it should actually be better to calculate the
whole thing once and put in variables.


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