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svgalib -- finally!

Well, it's untested, but I finally got svgalib to compile and package
happily.  It has just been uploaded to master, fyi.

The package is LOADED with problems from an Alpha point of view (including
one section of asm that wasn't properly #ifdef'ed out), but it FINALLY

BEWARE, however, that the version of the package that I uploaded is NOT
for Jensens or Cabriolet machines.  Those require a separate compile
(since they use different memory base addresses than nonames and such) and
I will do those shortly (they'll be available on my site until I get them
to be auto-generated by the packaging stuff).

Please beat on svgalib and find things wrong with it (I'm sure I
overlooked something).  The monitor I used on the UDB is now gone, so I am
totally unable to test this package now :(

Good luck!


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